March 17, 2011

7 Secrets to Setting Up a Successful Grief Ministry

There are secrets you need to know if you are thinking about setting up a successful grief and loss ministry.

Hosting a grief and loss ministry is one of the most valuable and uplifting ministries you can start in your community, or in your local church. Did you know...?

•32% of women aged 55 and older are widows

•9% of men aged 55 and older are widowers

These statistics are sobering. These statistics explain the importance of ministering to the 'orphans and widows' in their distress.

Were you aware that for churches which host a grief ministry, it is the number one reason given by new persons joining the church, as their reason for becoming a member? They cite the fact that the church had a grief ministry and ministered to them when they experienced a loss as a huge reason for joining.

Now that you know that grief and loss is a BIG ministry need area, what are the top 7 secrets to starting a successful grief and loss ministry?
  • Pray about it and get God's approval.
  • Devise a plan. What does your ministry include? Does it only involve loss of a loved one, or does it include other types of loss? (loss of employment, lost purpose, loss of a dream, etc.) Consider consulting with a group of trained grief life coaches who can assist you in devising your 'big picture' ministry plan.
  • Get training. Check out the links on this blog to see the quality grief and loss training which is available in the areas of loss of a loved one, teen giref, lost purpose, infertility, and divorce recovery. 
  • Offer a grief bible study ( has a good one called Grief Rite)
  • Offer a grief support group (ie. like Grief Share)
  • Offer grief life coaching (the premiere grief coaching group which offers training, and grief life coaching is found at:   
  • Get the word out! Advertise your ministry.  
We hope you will prayerfully consider starting a grief and loss ministry in your local church, or being trained as a grief life coach. It is rewarding and a direct response to God's command to minister to those who are hurting due to grief and loss in their lives.

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